The Hurricanegers (???????, Harikenj?) are the protagonists of the Super Sentai series, Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger. Five of the Rangers come from different Ninja Academies while the sixth was labeled a runaway.
Three ninja students who are the survivors of the Hayate Way's Ninja Academy are mastering their school's Super Ninpou techniques. They represent the Hayate Heart embodying the "Presistence of the Future". The first kana of their surnames spell out "shinobi" (?????? ?(??), "Shi-No-Bi" (shinobi)) in Japanese.
Video Hurricanegers
Yousuke Shiina
Yousuke Shiina/Air Ninja Hurricane Red (?? ??/?????????, Shiina Y?suke/Soranin Hariken Reddo) is the leader of the team. Though a bit dim-witted Yousuke's courage and determination make up for his slow-thinking. At age 19, he worked at a window cleaning service. He eventually meets up with Shoichiro "Taisho" Tai, a fellow student in the Air Ninja class, who dropped out after seeing that it was not his place to be a ninja and attempted to make Yousuke quit too. But after seeing Yousuke in action, Shoichiro accepts it and wishes his friend good luck. Yousuke almost gets himself killed to provide the vaccine for Ikkou. Long after the Jakanja's defeat, while aiding the Abarangers and then the Gokaigers, Yousuke became a handyman who travels around the world.
During his travels, six months prior to the events of 10 Years Later, Yousuke befriends Tenkai and is forced by Bat Ze Runba to attack Space Union Ninja School branches while stealing his teammates' Shinobi Medals. But with his friends' help, Yousuke frees Tenkai and becomes a mentor to the boy.
After transforming, Yousuke says "The wind howls, the sky rages. Air Ninja, Hurricane Red!" (???????????????????!, "Kaze ga naki, sora ga ikaru. Soranin Hariken Reddo!").
- Ninpou: Three-in-One Triple Hurricane (?????????????, Sanmi Ittai Toripuru Harik?n), Super Ninpou Air Gallop (???????, Ch? Ninp? Sora Gake), Super Ninpou Illusion Change (???????, Ch? Ninp? Maboroshi Henge), Super Ninpou Flying Skylark (???????, Ch? Ninp? Hiunjaku).
Yousuke Shiina is portrayed by Shun Shioya (?? ?, Shioya Shun).
Nanami Nono
Nanami Nono/Water Ninja Hurricane Blue (?? ??/?????????, Nono Nanami/Mizunin Hariken Bur?) is the only female on the team. At age 18 she dreams of becoming a popstar and works under the stage name Nana. She has a semi-crazed manager Futoshi Hase who books her for everything but when emergencies occur Nanami has to take off. While she appears to be cute, the others try to stay on her good side since an incident where she befriended Furabiijo who took advantage of her. It is later shown she has developed feelings for Isshuu Kasumi and he reciprocates.
After the final battle, aiding the Abarangers, the Boukengers by having her "Friendship Spirit" empower DaiVoyager, and the Gokaigers, Nanami became a successful singer of international fame, hoping to be an actress.
It is revealed in Hero Mama League that Nanami is married and has a son named Kairi (??).
After transforming, Nanami says "The water dances, the waves jump. Water Ninja, Hurricane Blue!" (???????????????????!, "Mizu ga mai, nami ga odoru. Mizunin Hariken Bur?!").
- Ninpou: Three-in-One Triple Hurricane, Super Ninpou Water Spout (???????, Ch? Ninp? Suiry?ha), Super Ninpou Water Transformation (???????, Ch? Ninp? Mizu Henge), Super Ninpou Water Surface Run (????????, Ch? Ninp? Minamo Bashiri), Ninpou Water Pillar (?????, Ninp? Mizubashira), Ninpou Leaf Reversal (????????, Ninp? Konoha Gaeshi).
Nanami Nono is portrayed by Nao Nagasawa (?? ??, Nagasawa Nao).
Kouta Bitou
Kouta Bitou/Land Ninja Hurricane Yellow (?? ??/??????????, Bit? K?ta/Okanin Hariken Ier?) is the other male of the team and a firm believer in planning. Because of his friendly nature, Kouta works at a daycare center. He has a younger sister called Meiko whom he cared for when their parents died in a car accident and they ended up in an orphanage. He also had a grandmother named Ayame Bitou who died when Kouta was four but remained by him in spirit. Thanks to an unintended by-product of Jakanja's plan, she was resurrected as a teenager and aids her grandson before fading back to the afterlife.
Long after the Jakanja's defeat, aiding the Abarangers and then the Gokaigers, Kouta married and had a daughter named Suzune as well as a son named Riku. Though he attempted to conceal his activities as ninja from his family, Kouta considers telling them the truth after the events of 10 Years Later.
After transforming, Kouta says ""The ground shakes, the flowers sing. Land Ninja, Hurricane Yellow!" (?????????????????????!, "Daichi ga furue, hana ga utau. Okanin Hariken Ier?!")
- Ninpou: Three-in-One Triple Hurricane, Super Ninpou Dancing Lion (???????, Ch? Ninp? Mai Jishi), Yellow All Around Break (????????, Ier? Happ? Kuzushi), Super Ninpou Sand Dash (???????, Ch? Ninp? Suna Bakushin), Super Ninpou Lion Slide (???????, Ch? Ninp? Shishi Suberi), Land Ninpou Chameleon Technique (???????????, Oka Ninp? Kamereon no Jutsu), Hayate Way Ninpou Dog's Nose (?????????, Hayate Ry? Ninp? Inu no Hana).
Kouta Bitou is portrayed by Kohei Yamamoto (?? ??, Yamamoto K?hei).
Maps Hurricanegers
- Kabuto: "Facing the shadows, slicing the shadows..." (???????????????, "Kage ni mukaete, kage o kiru...")
- Kuwaga: "Facing the light, slicing the light." (?????????????, "Hikari ni mukaete, hikari o kiru.")
- Kabuto and Kuwaga: "Lightning Speed Gouraiger revealed!" (???????????!??!, "Denk?sekka G?raij?! kenzan!")
Lightning Speed Gouraiger (???????????, Denk?sekka G?raij?, 1, 5, 7-51, Hurricanger vs. Gaoranger & Abaranger vs. Hurricanger) were originally the enemies of the Hurricaneger who join Jakanja despite having wiped out the Ikazuchi Way's Ninja Academy which left the Kasumi brothers as the only survivors. The brothers obtained the forbidden Gouraiger system from their father, Ikki, a rogue ninja who abused them. Ikki went against the Ikazuchi Way's wishes to obtain the Evil Will after learning of it during his mission in Egypt and learned of the "Final Secret" at the time of a meteor shower. He went against his school's wishes by creating the Gouraiger system and making his sons kill each other to evoke it while making them believe that rage and hatred would only promote strength. Though they eventually allied themselves with the Hurricanegers the Kasumi brothers were unable to completely forsake their father's cruel teachings and have a jaded view on life. The two work as construction workers before parting ways after the final battle with the Jakanja. They represent the Ikazuchi Heart embodying the Bonds of the Past.
Ikkou Kasumi
Ikkou Kasumi/Horned Ninja Kabuto Raiger (? ??/??????????, Kasumi Ikk?/Tsunonin Kabuto Raij?) is the older brother. His original goal was to raise Ikazuchi as the greatest Ninja school using it. Learning of the method his father intended Ikkou ingested Girigiri gas to go insane so Isshuu could kill him. Ikkou eventually regains his sanity and refuses to obtain the Evil Will like that ultimately deciding to abandon this goal and focus on his new goal of supporting the Hurricaneger. He develops a friendly rivalry with Yousuke later in the series as well as gaining a mortal enemy in Manmaruba (who implanted a Space Scorpion egg in the man's body for using him to get into Jakanja's ranks). He attempted to have the egg removed from his body with Ramon's aid a secret-even from Isshu. However Ramon could only hinder the hatching until Manmaruba's Mind Wave made it beyond Ramon's skills. Though told a cure may be found in Tibet, Ikkou refused to leave and it nearly killed him as a result; only stopped by Yousuke nearly killed himself to provide an antidote. Ikkou would later kill Manmaruba soon after the Fangerus crisis. Long after the Jakanja's defeat, aiding the Abarangers prior to becoming estranged from Isshu, Ikkou becomes a member of the JunRetsu singing group. During the events of 10 Years Later, Ikkou helps Yousuke remember the good they did together before helping him save Tenkai. After transforming, Ikkou says "Crimson lightning. Horned Ninja Kabuto Raiger!" (????????????????!, "Shink? no inazuma. Tsunonin Kabuto Raij?!").
- Ninpou: Super Ninpou Illusion Kabuto (????????, Ch? Ninp? Maboroshi Kabuto), Ikazuchi Way Ninpou Kabuto Projection (????????????, Ikazuchi Ry? Ninp? Kabuto Utsushi).
Ikkou Kasumi is portrayed by Yujiro Shirakawa (?? ???, Shirakawa Y?jir?).
Isshuu Kasumi
Isshuu Kasumi/Fanged Ninja Kuwaga Raiger (? ??/??????????, Kasumi Issh?/Kibanin Kuwaga Raij?) is the younger brother. He originally resented Ikazuchi for staying in the shadows for 500 years, idolizing his brother and respecting most of his decisions. But Isshuu took the fact they were not rebuilding their Ninja school personally until he found the resting place of his father's sword Kiraimaru. Desiring to rebuild the Ikazuchi School Isshuu used the blade with disastrous results. After learning to use the Kiraimaru in a way where his friends would not be harmed, Isshuu decides to rebuild the school after Jakanja is defeated. By the events of 10 Years After, having left his brother's shadow, Isshu became a lady's man and eventually made peace with his brother. After transforming, Isshuu says "Azure thunderclap. Fanged Ninja Kuwaga Raiger!" (????????????????!, "S?ten no hekireki. Kibanin Kuwaga Raij?!").
- Ninpou: Super Ninpou Fang Lightning (???????, Ch? Ninp? Kiba Inazuma), Super Ninpou Position Change (???????, Ch? Ninp? Utsuri Mi).
Isshuu Kasumi is portrayed by Nobuo Kyo (? ??, Ky? Nobuo). As a child, Isshuu is portrayed by Shion Tsuchiya (?? ???, Tsuchiya Shion).
Sky Ninja Shurikenger (????????????, Tenk? Ninja Shurikenj?, 21-49) is the Ninja of 20 Faces and a representative of the Space Union Ninja School. He was formerly a star pupil of Hayate Way who had the talent to become a Hurricaneger, but he mysteriously vanished and was branded a Nukenin (???, "runaway shinobi") as a result. He encounters Gozen who he devotes himself to as her personal fighter at the cost of his renouncing his name and face as he is permanently in his costumed form. A somewhat comical figure, Shurikenger often used broken English phrases including the famous "I am Ninja of Ninja!" and also often poorly mixes both Japanese and English into his sentences. At first he would often disguise himself as a 'regular' person (even the other ninja would not know who) until he reverts to his true form with the Shuriken Ball device when confronted by Jakanja. He has the ability to transform through the command "Face Change!" into Shurikenger Fire Mode (???????? ????????, Shurikenj? Faiy? M?do), a quicker and deeper voiced version of himself, when the top of his helmet is rotated as he removes his main chest armor, which is a weight-inhibitor, and once removed from his body Shurikenger's strength and speed increase. Though he came to believe that a true ninja must follow orders, he defied Gozen by saving the other ninja whom he began to see as his friends. Taking Gozen's death hard, Shurikenger proceeds to train the ninja while remaining as unfeeling as possible. When mortally wounded while fighting Sandaru Shurikenger reveals his origins and urges the team to continue fighting from their world. He gives them his Shurikenball so they can follow the tracking device he planted on Sandaru to make their way to the centipede. While it appeared that he died in Tenkuujin in a kamikaze attack to take out Satorakura, Shurikenger mysteriously reappears and aids the Abaranger and Hurricaneger/Gouraiger teams briefly in their fight against Janin Iga stating "he's wherever he is needed" with his last appearance during the Legend War and oversee the Ninninger's progress under request of Toha Yamaji.
When introducing himself, Shurikenger says "I am Ninja of Ninja! The green fireball! Sky Ninja Shurikenger, has arrived!" (I am Ninja of Ninja!?????????????????, ??!, Ai amu Ninja obu Ninja! Midori no K?dan. Tenk? Ninja Shurikenj?, sanj?!).
- Whether intended or not Shurikenger's "master of disguise" trait is reminiscent of Sokichi Banba (of J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai, played by Hiroshi Miyauchi), who also regularly disguised himself. One example of Banba's trait is when he disguised himself as a fisherman in J.A.K.Q. vs. Gorenger and showed up just when all hope of victory for justice seemed lost.
- The actors who play Shurikenger's ten human forms were all Super Sentai actors at one point: Hayato ?shiba and Masaya Matsukaze (respectively MegaRed and Blue in Denji Sentai Megaranger), Ry?ichir? Nishioka (GoRed in Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive), Toshiya Fuji (FiveRed in Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman), Yoshihiro Masujima and Y?ji Kishi (respectively Blue and Red Racer in Gekisou Sentai Carranger), Sh?hei Izumi (TimeYellow in Mirai Sentai Timeranger), Tatsuya N?mi (ShishiRanger in Gosei Sentai Dairanger), Masaru Shishido (OhRed in Chouriki Sentai Ohranger) and Kenji Ohba (Battle Kenya in Battle Fever J and DenjiBlue in Denshi Sentai Denziman). Most of the actors have a reference to their previous Super Sentai roles, with Ohba referencing his as Retsu Ichijouji/Gavan in Space Sheriff Gavan.
- In addition, he also disguised himself as Yousuke once, Ikkou once, and Kouta twice. Ayame, Kouta's grandmother brought back to life, was mistaken for Shurikenger, as was Wendinu in a human disguise by the boys (Nanami caught on right away).
- Before Shurikenger disguises himself as Detective Tarou Kakio (Hayato Oshiba, also Kenta Date/MegaRed in Denji Sentai Megaranger), the real Kakio hands out his business card. At the bottom, "Zubatto kaiketsu shimasu" (his business motto) can be clearly seen. This is a direct nod to the Kaiketsu Zubat television series, being part of the titular character's introduction phrase.
Shurikenger is voiced by Taiki Matsuno (?? ??, Matsuno Taiki).
Tenkai (??) is a mysterious 10-year-old boy who appears during the events of Hurricanger: 10 Years After who Yousuke took as a traveling companion six months prior as Tenkai lacked any memory of his life before. However, kidnapped by Bat Ze Runba, Tenkai is revealed to be the embodiment of the Great Force that was born from the Evil Force after the Hurricanger/Goraiger teams defeated Tau Zanto. Though Runba succeeded in awakening the Great Force, Tenkai manages to suppress it and gains the ability to become the new Shurikenger with the resolve to use his powers for good as he becomes Yousuke's apprentice. Unlike his predecessor, though he possesses the same abilities and attacks, Tenkai does not use broken English phrases in his sentences.
When introducing himself, Tenkai says "I am the Ninja among Ninja! The green fireball! Sky Ninja Shurikenger, has arrived!"
Tenkai is portrayed by Koumi Hashimoto (?? ??, Hashimoto K?mi).
Mugensai Hinata (?? ???, Hinata Mugensai): The Ninja master of Hayate Way's Ninja Academy and a master of animal-change Ninpou. He turned himself into a hamster to evade his pursuers but forgot the words that would restore him to normal because of which he is referred to as the "Hamster Curator" (???????, Hamusut? Kanch?). Despite his form he can fight and communicated with Gozen before she revealed herself. Mugensai briefly returned to human form in the movie by means of a kiss from Princess Laiina but was forced back to a hamster when she left. Eventually he returns to his human form to protect his daughter from falling debris when their base was affected by the Evil Force. Two months after the final battle Mugensai gives the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers a final challenge to take their diplomas from him.
Mugensai Hinata is portrayed by Ken Nishida (?? ?, Nishida Ken), who previously portrayed San Dorva in Space Sheriff Gavan.
Oboro Hinata (?? ???, Hinata Oboro): Mugensai's daughter and a scholar who provides the team's arsenal. She is their senpai due to her being in class 487. She also invented the robot kuroko that wipes out the memories of civilians who have seen the Hurricanegers or those who left the Hayate Way to ensure the public is unaware of the school's existence. She and Shurikenger worked together to create their own Tri-Condor for the team. Oboro also has a habit of breaking the fourth wall in Sentai team-up specials by talking about mecha combinations. She speaks with a kansai dialect.
Oboro Hinata is portrayed by Shoko Takada (?? ??, Takada Sh?ko).
Princess Laiina (?????, Ra?na Hime, "Shushutto the Movie"): From planet Astrom, she and her royal family were known for having the gift of regeneration--as shown when they briefly restoring Mugensai to human form. She was sought after by the Jakanja for that power and for use in the "Soul-Eating Ceremony" which would turn her into an elixir that bestows immortality to whoever drinks it. After being saved by the Hurricanegers from the Saruninja, Laiina wants Yousuke as her bodyguard but his intolerance towards her spoilt nature drives her away. She was captured by the Saruninja but was saved by the Hurricanegers. Yousuke comes to understand Laiina through Knuckle and offers to be her friend. To return the offer of friendship Laiina lets them borrow her Tri-Condor to form Tenrai Senpuujin and defeat Ashurasaru. She then takes Tri-Condor to return to her planet with a sense of new-found courage.
Princess Laiina is portrayed by Sayaka Yoshino (?? ??, Yoshino Sayaka).
Knuckle (????, Nakkuru, "Shushutto the Movie"): A small Karakuri robot and Laiina's servant that usually is a wrist charm until he is activated.
Knuckle is voiced by Y?ko Miyamura (?? ??, Miyamura Y?ko), who previously portrayed Kyoko Hyase in Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive.
Yuusaku Ramon (?? ??, Ramon Y?saku, 28): A former teacher from the Ikazuchi Ninja School who aided Ikkou in stopping the hatching of the centipede until Manmaruba ensnares it.
Kagura (Lady Gozen) (??(???), Kagura (Gozen-sama), 39-48): A 500-year-old seemingly young woman, Kagura is the daughter of a feudal lord who died protecting her before she went into hiding as Lady Gozen with Shurikenger as her protector. She is the reason both Ninja schools have similar Karakuri systems. The Dark Stone placed in her forehead gives her a prolonged life but forces her to refrain from any form of sadness to maintain the seal. She moves in with the Hurricanegers after her location is compromised only to learn of the changes that occurred during her solitude from the outside world. In the process she learns the ninja are true heroes in spite of her earlier impressions of them. However, learning of her weakness, Sandaaru manages to weaken Gozen and force the Grieving Bow Medal out of her which kills her as a result.
During the events of 10 Years After, the Hurricangers meet another Lady Gozen who is a blood relative of Kagura's and was entrusted with Shurikenger's Shinobi Medal before it was stolen.
Kagura is portrayed by Hitomi Miwa (?? ???, Miwa Hitomi).
The Inquirer (???, Samonkan, "10 Years After") of the inquiry commission at the Unified Universal Ninja School Headquarters is a descendant of Kagura.
The Inquirer is portrayed by Hitomi Miwa.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Bakury? Sentai Abaranger
- Shinobi Medals (??????, Shinobi Medaru): The Hurricaneger and Gouraiger, as well as Shurikenger, each possess their own personal Shinobi Medal on their changers. The Shinobi Medals are used by the Hurricaneger and Gouraiger to active their changers and also combine their mecha. The other Shinobi Medals are used to summon the Karakuri balls.
- Hurricane Gyro (????????, Hariken Jairo): The Hurricaneger's transformation devices and are capable of shooting out little disk-like shuriken called Gyro Shuriken (???????, Jairo Shuriken). The transformation call is "Ninpuu, Shinobi Change!" (??????????!, Ninp? Shinobi Chenji!)
- Portable Ninja Sword Hayatemaru (????????, Keitai Nint? Hayatemaru): Standard sword-based weapons of the Hurricaneger. Can be charged-up for an energized slash and also be used as a gun. The Hurricanegers can use the Hayatemaru to execute the Super Ninpou Triple Thrust Dance (?????????, Ch? Ninp? Ranbu Sanj?sh?), Typhoon Slash (?? (?????) ??, Taif?n Giri), and Shadow Dance (???????, Ch? Ninp? Kage no Mai) attacks. The Hurricanegers can perform the Shadow Dance attack with the Gouraigers and Shurikenger. Hurricane Red and Hurricane Yellow can team-up to execute the Hayate Way Secret Technique Sky Land Slash (???????????, Hayate Ry? ?gi Daik? Daichizan) attack. Other attacks the Hurricanegers can execute with the Hayatemaru are the following:
- Hurricane Red: Hayate Way Sword Technique Gale Slash (?????????, Hayate Ry? Kengi Ship?zan), Super Ninpou Thunder Blast Slash (???????, Ch? Ninp? Raigekizan), Kabuto Thunder Blast (??????, Kabuto Raigekiha), and Hayate Way Sword Technique Single Stroke (??????????, Hayate Ry? Kengi Itt?ry?dan).
- Hurricane Blue: Hayate Way Sword Technique Torrent Slash (?????????, Hayate Ry? Kengi Gekiry?zan).
- Hurricane Yellow: Hayate Way Sword Technique Land Slash (?????????, Hayate Ry? Kengi Daichizan), Super Ninpou Mine Blast (???????, Ch? Ninp? Jiraigeki) and Super Ninpou Turbulence Slash (????????, Ch? Ninp? Midaregiri).
- Dry Gun (?????, Dorai Gan): Hurricane Red's personal weapon. It resembles a hair dryer and can shoot flames.
- Sonic Megaphone (????????, Sonikku Megahon): Hurricane Blue's personal weapon. It resembles a megaphone, and can fire sound based waves.
- Quake Hammer (????????, Kueiku Hanm?): Hurricane Yellow's personal weapon. It resembles a mallet and can be used for a ground-based attack. By using it, Hurricane Yellow can perform the Quake Hammer Hundred Strike (???????????, Kueiku Hanm? Hyakurenda) and Super Ninpou #869 (???869?, Ch? Ninp? Happyakurokuj?ky?-g?) attacks.
- Triple Connection Triple Gadget (????????????, Sanj?ren Toripuru Gajetto): This combination of the Hurricaneger's personal weapons can be used in three different functions, where each one has a different finishing attack depending on which weapon is in the front.
- Dry Gadget (????????, Dorai Gajetto): Formed by placing the Dry Gun in front, Quake Hammer in the middle and Sonic Megaphone in the back. It uses a fire-based attack.
- Sonic Gadget (?????????, Sonikku Gajetto): Formed by placing the Sonic Megaphone in front, Dry Gun in the middle and Quake Hammer in the back. It fires a ball of intense high pitched waves.
- Quake Gadget (?????????, Kueiku Gajetto): Formed by placing the Quake Hammer in front, Sonic Megaphone in the middle and Dry Gun in the back. It can summon a 100-ton weight to use on its opponent.
- Hurricane Wingers (?????????, Hariken Uing?): Hang gliders that serve as the Hurricanegers transportation.
- Red Winger (????????, Reddo Uing?): Hurricane Red's Winger.
- Blue Winger (????????, Bur? Uing?): Hurricane Blue's Winger.
- Yellow Winger (?????????, Ier? Uing?): Hurricane Yellow's Winger.
- Gourai Changer (??????????, G?rai Chenj?): The Gouraigers' transformation devices. Ikkou and Isshu's personal Gourai Changer are shaped as their personal insects. The transformation call is "Jinrai Shinobi Change!" (??????????!, Jinrai Shinobi Chenji!)
- Assumable Staff Ikazuchimaru (??????????, Hengenjizai Kon Ikazuchimaru): Standard weapon for the Gouraiger. Other than its standard staff appearance it can also be used as the Spear Mode (?????, Teyari M?do), the Cross Mode (????, J?ji no Kata) (a large cross-shaped throwing weapon), and the Circle Moon Mode (????, Engetsu no Kata) (a ring based weapon that is used as a shield for defense). The Gouraigers can use the Ikazuchimaru to execute the Ikazuchi Thunder Blast Slash (???????, Ikazuchi Raigekizan) and Ikazuchi Turbulence Beating (??????, Ikazuchi Midareuchi) attacks. Kabuto Raiger can also execute the Kabuto Thunder Blast (??????, Kabuto Raigekiha) and Ikazuchi Way Sword Technique Thunder Blast Slash (?????????, Ikazuchi Ry? Kengi Raigekizan) attacks. Once, Isshuu was also able to connect his Stag Breaker to the end of his Ikazuchimaru to use for the Ikazuchi Way Sword Technique Thunder Fang Blow (??????????, Ikazuchi Ry? Kengi Raiga Ichigeki) attack.
- Horn Breaker (????????, H?n Bureik?): Kabuto Raiger's personal weapon. It is used as a gun based weapon.
- Stag Breaker (?????????, Sutaggu Bureik?): Kuwaga Raiger's personal weapon. This pincer weapon can be used to snare opponents and the zap them with electrical energy. By using it, Kuwaga Raiger can perform the Super Ninpou Fang Run (???????, Ch? Ninp? Kiba Bashiri) and Ikazuchi Way Sword Technique Thunder Fang Flash (??????????, Ikazuchi Ry? Kengi Raiga Issen) (with the Ikazuchimaru) attacks. It can also be attached to the staff to serve as a blade of Ikazuchi Breaker (?????????, Ikazuchi Bureik?).
- Double Connection Double Gadget (???????????, Niju?ren Daburu Gajetto): This combination of the Gouraiger's personal weapons, fires an electrical ball.
- Bari Thunders (??????, Barisand?): Motorcycles that are used by the Gouraiger for transportation. In episode 37, Kouta and Nanami had to learn to ride the Bari Thunders in order to rescue Ikkou and Isshuu who were trapped in Manmaruba's body after he evolved into his final form.
- Bari Thunder Kabuto Type (?????????????, Barisand? Kabuto Taipu): Kabuto Raiger's motorcycle.
- Bari Thunder Kuwaga Type (?????????????, Barisand? Kuwaga Taipu): Kuwaga Raiger's motorcycle.
- Quintuple Connection Victory Gadget (?????????????, Goj?ren Bikutor? Gajetto): This combination of the Triple (in the Quake Gadget formation) and Double Gadgets. Is the most powerful team based attack of the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers.
- Spin Transform Shuriken Ball (????????????, Kaiten Henshin Shuriken B?ru): Shurikenger's personal transformation device which he can use to impersonate other people. His Shinobi Medal is located inside the ball. To change into his true form Shurikenger shouts "Tenkuu, Shinobi Change!" (??????????!, Tenk? Shinobi Chenji!). By using it, Shurikenger can perform the Super Ninpou Clone Miracle Ball (????????, Ch? Ninp? Bunshin Maky?) and Double Clone Miracle Ball (???????, Daburu Bunshin Maky?) (with Hurricane Red) attacks. It can be placed in Tenkuujin's controls to access its transformation sequence. Shurikenger gave the Shuriken Ball to Yousuke just before he died so the team could enter Jakanja's base.
- Shuriken Zubat (?????????, Shuriken Zubatto): Shurikenger's personal weapon. Other than being used as a sword it can also be used as a baseball bat and was once used as a microphone. Its special attack is to allow Shurikenger to hit a hoard of baseballs at his opponent. By using it, Shurikenger can perform the Freezing Sword (???, Reit?ken), Thawing Sword (???, Kait?ken), Plasma Sword (?????, Purazumaken), Fire Sword (??????, Faiy?ken) (It is called Kaenken (???) in his Fire Mode) Super Ninpou Secret Hitting Thousand Knock (???????????, Ch? Ninp? Hida Senbon Nokku) with the Shuriken Ball, Miracle Thousand Knock (?????????, Mirakuru Senbon Nokku) with the Shuriken Ball, Wing Ninja Sword Technique Heavenly Slash (????????, Yokunin Kengi Tenk?zan), and Sky Secret Hitting Practice Swinging Slash (??????????, Tenk? Hida Suburi Giri) attacks. It can also be placed into Tenkuujin to use as a control stick.
- Providence Unified Armament Play Ninjamisen (?????????????, Tenkat?itsu Bus? Ninjamisen): This shamisen-like instrument is primarily used to summon and control the Revolver Mammoth by using a Shinobi Medal to play it. Originally only Shurikenger could use it but later in one of his disguises he was able to teach the Hurricanegers and Gouraigers to learn how to control the Revolver Mammoth as well. It also has a gun mode and with Shuriken Zubat, Hayatemaru, or Ikazuchimaru it can be used to produce sonic waves. The sound created by the Ninjamisen reflects the user's skill level. It would sound like a traditional shamisen if used by a novice, namely the Hurricanegers and the Gouraigers, or an electric guitar if played by an experienced player such as Shurikenger. Its attacks are the Red Sonic (???????, Reddo Sonikku), the Blue Sonic (???????, Bur? Sonikku), the Yellow Sonic (????????, Ier? Sonikku), the Kabuto Sonic (???????, Kabuto Sonikku), the Kuwaga Sonic (???????, Kuwaga Sonikku), the Shuriken Sonic (?????????, Shuriken Sonikku), the Shock Wave Sextet (??????, Sh?gekiha Rokuj?s?), and the Heavenly Wind Thunder Blast Wave (?????, Tenp? Raigekiha) with the Victory Gadget.
- Kiraimaru (???, Kiraimaru): Ikki's weapon which was long sealed in a cave that Isshu sought after in hopes of gaining more strength as Isshuu at the time had become disillusioned by the Gouraigers alliance with the Hurricaneger. The Kiraimaru is a double-ended naginata which can slice through any object. Its power comes with a price--although the Kiraimaru is supposed to be used to fight enemies, and unknown to Isshuu, it was changed by his father Ikki. It damages the loved ones of the person who wields it whenever they use the Ikazuchi school's most powerful Ninpou - the Ikazuchi Way Secret Technique Kirai Blast (???????????, Ikazuchi Ry? ?gi Kirai Bakugekiha). Isshuu found out the hard way during the battle against Gomubiron but later deliberately snapped the Kiraimaru in half and used part of it to impale Gomubiron to effectively use the Kirai Blast.
- Sextuple Connection Final Gadget (??????????????, Rokuj?ren Fainaru Gajetto): The combination of the Victory Gadget and Ninjamisen. Fires the 10 Year Buster (?????????, Ten Iy? Basut?).
Shinobi Machines
Each of the Shinobi Machines (??????, Shinobi Mashin) come whenever the Hurricaneger, Gouraiger and Shurikenger call out "Shinobi Machines!".
- Hurricane Hawk (???????, Hariken H?ku): Hurricane Red's personal mecha. A giant robotic red hawk with ninja fire magic which forms the head of Senpuujin. Its attack is the Karakuri Ninpou Fire Hawk (??????????, Karakuri Ninp? Kaen Daka).
- Hurricane Dolphin (?????????, Hariken Dorufin): Hurricane Blue's personal mecha. A giant robotic blue dolphin with ninja water magic (also rarely used) and forms the right arm of Senpuujin, or Gourai Senpuujin's right shoulder cannon, and can switch with Tenkuujin to form Tenkuu Senpuujin. Hurricane Dolphin is the only Shinobi Machine left out of the Tenrai Senpuujin formation. Its attacks are the Dolphin Attack (?????????, Dorufin Atakku) and the Karakuri Ninpou Big Tidal Wave (??????????, Karakuri Ninp? ?tsunami).
- Hurricane Leon (???????, Hariken Reon): Hurricane Yellow's personal mecha. A giant robotic yellow lion with ninja earth magic which forms the majority of the body of Senpuujin: legs, torso and left arm (which forms Gourai Senpuujin's chest). Its attack is the Karakuri Ninpou Lion Dance (??????????, Karakuri Ninp? Ren Jishi).
- Gourai Beetle (????????, G?rai B?toru): Kabuto Raiger's personal mecha. A giant tank-like black & maroon rhino beetle that forms Gouraijin's upper half. It also forms Gourai Senpuujin's feet, left shoulder cannon and Tenrai Senpuujin's feet. Its weapons are the Gourai Cannon (???, G?rai H?), the Gourai Cannon (????????, G?rai Kyanon) gatling guns, and pulse beam cannons. Its attack is Karakuri Ninpou Horn Change (??????????, Karakuri Ninp? Tsuno Henge).
- Gourai Stag (????????, G?rai Sutaggu): Kugawa Raiger's personal mecha. A giant monster truck-like black and navy blue stag beetle that forms Gouraijin's lower half and Double Horn Cutter (??????????, Daburu H?n Katt?) weapon. It also forms arms for Gourai Senpuujin and Tenrai Senpuujin. Its attacks are the Stag Thunder (????????, Sutaggu Sand?) and Karakuri Ninpou Fang Vanish (???????????, Karakuri Ninpou Kiba Gakure).
Karakuri Giants
Karakuri Giant Senpuujin (???????, Karakuri Kyokan Senp?jin, lit. Trick Giant Whirlwind God): The Hurricanegers' Karakuri Giant that they use to battle the enlarged Jakanja monsters. It is formed by the command "Ninpuu Combine" (????, Ninp? Gattai). With the command "Senpuujin, hurry up!" (??????????!, Senp?jin har? appu!), it is able to change into a smaller much faster form called Senpuujin Hurrier (???????, Senp?jin Hari?) that lasts for 60 seconds. While in this form it has two large Double Hurrier Swords (??????????, Daburu Hari? S?do). Senpuujin's attacks are the Dolphin Tornado (??????????, Dorufin Torun?do) and the Mane Hurricane (?????????, Tategami Harik?n). Senpuujin Hurrier's attacks are the Wheel Crash (?????????, Ho?ru Kurasshu), the Gale Circle Moon Slash (?????, Ship? Engetsu Giri), and Hurrier Bullet Slash (????????, Hari? Dangan Giri). It was destroyed in the final episode only to be rebuilt by Wendinu and Furabiijo.
- With the command "Tenkuu Armament" (????, Tenk? Bus?), Tenkuujin can replace Hurricane Dolphin on Senpuujin to form Karakuri Giant Tenkuu Senpuujin (?????????, Karakuri Kyokan Tenk? Senp?jin, lit. Trick Giant Heavenly Whirlwind God) as the right arm for the Dynamite Tornado (???????????, Dainamaito Torun?do) finisher.
Karakuri Giant Gouraijin (???????, Karakuri Kyokan G?raijin, lit. Trick Giant Booming Thunder God): The Gouraigers' Karakuri Giant, formed by the command "Thunderclap Combine" (????, Ikazuchi Gattai), could attack with Gourai Cannon. Was destroyed when the Gouraigers sacrificed it to destroy Sandaaru so that the Hurricanegers could go on to save the Earth from Tau Zanto. It was later rebuilt by Wendinu and Furabiijo.
- With the command Tenkuu Armament, Tenkuujin can combine with Gouraijin to form Karakuri Giant Tenkuu Gouraijin (?????????, Karakuri Kyokan Tenk? G?raijin, lit. Trick Giant Heavenly Booming Thunder God) as the back-mounted shoulder cannons for the Soaring Thunder Blast Cannon (?????, Tensh? Raigeki H?) finisher.
Gourai Senpuujin
Karakuri Giant Gourai Senpuujin (?????????, Karakuri Kyokan G?rai Senp?jin, lit. Trick Giant Booming Thunder Whirlwind God): Combination of Senpuujin and Gouraijin with Fuuraimaru formed by the command "School Transcendence Wind-Thunder Combine" (????????, Ry?ha Ch?etsu F?rai Gattai). Its finisher attack is the Rolling Thunder Hurricane (??????????????, R?ringu Sand? Harik?n). Its components were rebuilt for Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger. Unfortunately, it was defeated by KillerOh until Fuuraimaru and five components managed to escape.
- During Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger, Gourai Senpuujin combined with Gao Shark, Gao Tiger, and Gao Elephant, replacing Gourai Stag as the arms, becoming Karakuri Giant Gourai Senpuujin Sword & Shield (????????????&????, Karakuri Kyokan G?rai Senp?jin S?do ando Sh?rudo). It could only be maintained for a short time because the three Power Animals were too powerful for Gourai Senpuujin. Its finisher attack is the Wind-Thunder Hundred Animals Slash (??????, F?rai Hyakuj? Giri).
- During the Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger, Tenkuujin combined with Gourai Senpuujin to form Karakuri Giant Tenkuu Gourai Senpuujin (???????????, Karakuri Kyokan Tenk? G?rai Senp?jin, lit. Trick Giant Heavenly Booming Thunder Whirlwind God) joining as the right arm as it does with Senpuujin for the Wold Thunder Hurricane (?????????????, Wairudo Sand? Harik?n) finisher. Tenkuu Gourai Senpuujin is the only combination to actually utilize all six Shinobi Machines.
- As Revolver Gourai Senpuujin (??????????, Riborub? G?rai Senp?jin, lit. Revolver Booming Thunder Whirlwind God) its finisher attack is the Thunder Hurricane Strike (??????????????, Sand? Harik?n Sutoraiku).
Karakuri Giant Tenkuujin (???????, Karakuri Kyokan Tenk?jin, lit. Trick Giant Heavenly God): Shurikenger's personal mecha has the ability to transform from helicopter Shinobi Machine mode to robot mode with the command "Soaring Transformation" (????, Hish? Henkei) where the cockpit becomes arms (revealing the head), the engines become legs and one of the rotor blades (the tips of the blades retract) becomes a head-dress. In a Shinobi Machine mode, it uses the Heavenly Launchers (???????, Tenk? Ranch?) and the Karakuri Ninpou Heavenly Split (??????????, Karakuri Ninp? Tenk? Reppa) attack. Shurikenger once brought in two Tenkuujin, duplicates which could combine with the other machines, so that they could combine with both Senpuujin and Gouraijin simultaneously and leave a Tenkuujin free to fight on its own. They were piloted by Oboro's slave robots but were inferior to the Tenkuujin and overheated too easily. In the finale Tenkuujin was destroyed when Shurikenger used its self-destruct to kill Satarakura.
Tenrai Senpuujin
Karakuri Giant Tenrai Senpuujin (?????????, Karakuri Kyokan Tenrai Senp?jin, lit. Trick Giant Heavenly Thunder Whirlwind God) is the combination of Senpuujin, Gouraijin and Tenkuujin with Tri-Condor that is formed by the command "Galactic Transcendence! Three-God Combine!" (????!????!, Ginga Ch?etsu! Sanjin Gattai!) and can use Tenkuujin's helicopter blades as the Cross Blades for the Karakuri Sword Technique Heavenly Thunder Gale Slash (????????????, Karakuri Kengi Tenrai Shipp? Zan) attack. Tenrai Senpuujin was first formed in the Hurricaneger movie to fight the Shinobi Space Monkey in their Ashurazaaru form with the aid of the Tri-Condor owned by Princess Laiina. Tenrai Senpuujin was later used when Manmaruba became huge and ate the Gouraiger. Hurricane Blue and Hurricane Yellow went to save them on the Gouraiger's Bari Thunders while Hurricane Red used Senpuujin to hold Manmaruba. Oboro sent three new Karakuri Balls which she created with Shurikenger's help. These new Karakuri Balls, which form Tri-Condor, are what enabled the combination of all three robots into Tenrai Senpuujin. When the mecha's chest blades spin they summon a destructive whirlwind called the Ultima Storm (?????????, Arutima Sut?mu) attack which lifts monsters into the sky and kills them. A stronger golden version of it is the Ultima Storm Maximum (??????????????, Arutima Sut?mu Makishimamu) such as when Gozen was in the cockpit with the Earth Ninja. Another technique is the Double Cross Formation (??????????????, Daburu Kurosu F?m?shon) where the chest blades turn 45° and project a force field that can block almost any frontal attack. In one episode Tri-Condor's Shinobi medals are each shattered after its first fight as Tenrai Senpuujin. The team were not able to use it for a while, due to the conflict of mixing wind and thunder energy together, but Orobo was able to repair the medals by herself. Tenrai Senpuujin does not utilize the Hurricane Dolphin as a component.
- As the Revolver Tenrai Senpuujin (??????????, Riboruba Tenrai Senp?jin, lit. Revolver Heavenly Thunder Whirlwind God), a combination of Tenrai Senpuujin and Revolver Mammoth, and used with the Karakuri Ball weapons (aside from #9 and #13), it can create the Ultima Rainbow (??????????, Arutima Reinb?) attack.
Revolver Mammoth
Super Karakuri Beast Revolver Mammoth (?????????????, Ch? Karakurij? Riborub? Manmosu): A giant robotic mammoth activated during the meteor shower once all six Shinobi Medals unlocked the seal of Ninjamisen by the command "Come on, Revolver Mammoth!". Revolver Mammoth is summoned into battle when one is playing the Ninjamisen. It can supply a seemingly endless amount of Karakuri Balls. The other way to call Revolver Mammoth is to pray. Gourai Senpuujin or Tenrai Senpuujin can also ride Revolver Mammoth and combine attacks. Attacks with Mammoth Beam (???????, Manmosu B?mu) and Karakuri Balls that are loaded into it.
Karakuri Balls
Karakuri Balls (???????, Karakuri B?ru, lit. Trick Balls): Become the tools the robots use in battle. The kanji next to the tool names are those found on their Shinobi Medals and their meanings are included.
- Sword Slasher (?????????, S?do Surassh?): The Hurricanegers must fuse the Shinobi Medals on their Hurricane Gyros to make this weapon but Kabuto Raiger has also used a Shinobi medal with "?" (halberd) on it. It is the primary weapon of Senpuujin that creates two illusionary copies of Senpuujin for its three-way Copy Illusion Slash (?????, Bunshin Maboroshi Giri) attack. In Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger with their powers combined they helped to create a golden version called the Mahoro Slasher which was wielded by AbarenOh.
- Goat Crusher (?????????, G?to Kurassh?, ? hammer): Used by Hurricane Yellow for the Gale Dynamic Drop (???????, Shipp? G?kai Otoshi) attack.
- Tortoise Hammer (????????, T?tasu Hanm?, ? armor): Used by Hurricane Blue for the Rocked Buster (????????, Rokkudo Basut?). A flail-like weapon.
- Plant Axe (????????, Puranto Akkusu, ? wheel): Primary weapon of Gouraijin for the Big Spin Booming Slash (??????, Daikaiten Todoroki giri) attack. When combined with the Double Horn Cutter weapon from Gouraijin's chest it becomes known as the Ax Cutter (????????, Akkusu Katt?) and is based on a pinwheel.
- Gatling Leo (???????, Gatoringu Reo, ? gun): Used by Hurricane Yellow for the Big Rotation Lion Explosive Bullet (????????, Daikaiten Shishi Bakuretsu Dan) attack.
- Squid Attacker (?????????, Sukiddo Atakk?, ? drill): Used by Hurricane Blue for the Spindle Drill (???????, Supindo Doriru) attack.
- Fuurai Head (?????, F?rai Heddo, ? helmet): Used by Hurricane Red and forms Fuuraimaru's upper half or Gourai Senpuujin's helmet.
- Fuurai Knuckle (??????, F?rai Nakkuru, ? fist): Used by Kabuto Raiger and forms Fuuraimaru's legs or Gourai Senpuujin's fists.
- Karakuri Mantle (???????, Karakuri Manto, ? clothing): Used by Hurricane Red. Can make Senpuujin invisible or be used for defense but is not effective in its first battle and is not used in the future.
- Spin Bee (?????, Supin B?, ? revolve): Primary weapon of Tenkuujin. Used for the Violent Top (????, Abare Goma) attack.
- Kabuto Spear (???????, Kabuto Supi?, ? stab): Used by Kabuto Raiger for the Crash Lance Stab (??????, Tokkan Ky?sha Zuki) attack but loaded in Revolver Mammoth as Kuwaga Raiger's.
- Catch Spider (?????????, Kyatchi Supaid?, ? thread): Used by Shurikenger.
- Karakuri Stamp (????????, Karakuri Sutanpu, ? stamp): Used by Hurricane Red once for the Stamp Hundred Hand Press (????????, Sutanpu Hyakuretsu Oshi) attack.
- Pitatto Hitode (???????, Pitatto Hitode, ? stick): Used by Hurricane Blue for the Starlight Knee Drop (????????????, Sut?raito N? Dorop) and Star Dust Cracker (???????????, Sut?dasuto Kurakk?) attacks.
- Tri-Condor (Horns) (???????(?), Torai Kondoru (Tsuno), ? horn): Used by Shurikenger and forms Tri-Condor's tail or the horns of Tenrai Senpuujin's helmet.
- Tri-Condor (Body) (???????(?), Torai Kondoru (D?), ? crown): Used by Hurricane Red and forms Tri-Condor's body or Tenrai Senpuujin's helmet.
- Tri-Condor (Wings) (???????(?), Torai Kondoru (Tsubasa), ? nail): Used by Kabuto Raiger and forms Tri-Condor's wings or Tenrai Senpuujin's claws.
Karakuri Ball Combos
- Karakuri Ball Combo: Goat Hammer (???????, G?to Hanm?): Combination of Goat Crusher and Tortoise Hammer used for Goat Hammer Hurricane Comet (?????????????, G?to Hanm? Harik?n Suisei) attack. Based on a kendama.
- Karakuri Ball Combo: Gatling Attacker (??????????, Gatoringu Atakk?): Combination of Gatling Leo and Squid Attacker used for Hurricane Spiral (?????????, Hariken Supairaru) attack.
- Karakuri Warrior Fuuraimaru (?????? ???, Karakuri Musha F?raimaru): Combination of Fuurai Head and Fuurai Knuckle, vital to Gourai Senpuujin's transformation process. Fuuraimaru is voiced by Hironori Miyata (?? ??, Miyata Hironori), who is also the narrator.
- Tri-Condor (???????, Torai Kondoru): A combination of three parts. It is important to help in the Tenrai Senpuujin transformation process. Another Tri-Condor was involved in the movie but was not numbered and has white-colored trimmings instead of the gold colored trimmings. It functions as Laiina's spaceship and was the basis of the Tri-Condor used in the Hurricanegers' arsenal.
See also
Source of article : Wikipedia